Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Horserace: Sept. 16th

Is McCain's Palin bump over?

Look at today's numbers, from these Daily Tracking Polls:

Gallup - McCain 47/ Obama 46
(down from a high of 49/44 a week ago)

Rasmussen - McCain 48/ Obama 47
(down from 49/46 a few days ago)

Research 2000 (which includes third-party options)-
Obama 48/ McCain 44

Compare those to these non-tracking polls:

ARG - McCain 48/ Obama 45
GWU - McCain 48/ Obama 44

I think the main thing to remember here is that all of these polls are within the margin of error, or very close.

It will be interesting to see if the Gallup poll equalizes again tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Dems marketed like the Republicans:

Banks Fear Obama Oversight

The major financial institutions have determined, largely since the Palin selection, that Obama will win the next election as part of a democratic sweep, and have struggled to get their bids in now for funding from the federal feeding trough before accountability sets in early next year.

7:50 AM  

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