Monday, March 14, 2005

Taking A Bath

The first 100 days of Term 2: The Bushening aren't even over, and W is taking a serious bath...

On Social Security, this new poll from the AP-

"Do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling Social Security?"

Approve 37%
Disapprove 56%
MixedFeelings 4%
Unsure 3%

On Iraq, from the same poll -

"When it comes to handling the situation in Iraq, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?"

Approve 45%
Disapprove 53%
MixedFeelings 2%
Unsure -

Job Ratings, from the same poll:
"Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?" If "mixed feelings" or not sure: "If you had to choose, do you lean more toward approve or disapprove?"

Approve 48%
Disapprove 50%
Mixed Feelings 2%
Unsure 1%



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