Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I'm a little peeved

that's Obama's campaign didn't concoct a media-grabbing event to counteract Hillary's very strong finish last night. On top of her Hallmark moment, she went on Letterman and did a top ten list of her own. So a lot of undecided voters around the country saw a lot of Hillary face-time and almost none from Barack. If it peels off just a few points for Obama among undecideds, whom I have argued may be falling for Hillary anyway, it could mean 'losing' some of those very close states like Missouri and Connecticut.

All will be revealed, I guess...

Besides that, however, I really think the Obama campaign has run a very tight ship ever since South Carolina. He has really been making all the right arguments, trying to counteract the myth that Hillary has a better chance to win in November, and so forth. I think that a big win today might change perceptions a bit on that front.

Opinions, anyone? Let's gets some dialogue tonight, eh?


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