Thursday, November 24, 2005

Residents of NY and MASS this year are thankful for ...

Hugo Chavez!

The juxtaposition was never so striking - how is it that the socialist populist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, can do more for Americans than its own government. Our elected leaders are so cowed by the petroleum industry that it wouldn't even swear the heads of the big oil companies in, at their recent hearing on Capitol Hill. They had a chance to explain to the American people why, in a year of oil shartages and natural disasters, they posted record-breaking profits. As prices topped three dollars a gallon and average working Joes began to feel the pinch, these guys were laughing all the way to the bank. This is the same public-spirited attitude behind the California energy fiasco of 2001. It's a good thing they weren't sworn in, because they all lied about being on Dick Cheney's infamous Energy Task Force.

So it couldn't have come at a more opportune time that South America's self-declared reincarnation of Simon Bolivar should step into the breach, providing low-cost fuel for the poor residents of Massachussetts and New York.

It's a just a shame that our own country is so completely compromised. This government sees the poor as an aberration. These are the people too lazy or stupid to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No Christian charity here, just disdain and worse. Wal-mart fodder. One step away from Soylent Green.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who grew up in the North East USA (near Mass.) I find it truly sad that whilst Chavez is helping our poor (something Bush, with his vast oil connections, refused to do), the US is making headlines for arresting protesters and threatening to bomb independant media. Who has the repressive regime here? At least Chavez can (truthfully) claim to have been democratically elected twice, something Bush can not.

3:27 PM  

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