Monday, September 05, 2005

More craziness

... and 43% (imagine which 43% that is) think that New Orleans should be 'rebuilt elsewhere'! Insanity.
Hey, maybe we should rebuild Fairfax or Westchester Counties elsewhere - like in the middle of Watts!

This whole thing makes me angry, very angry, ashamed, shocked, sad and very anxious for what this says about us and our fabled 'can-do' spirit.

However, 64% of Americans found the federal government's response made them feel 'hopeful'!
Only 45% were angry about this insane tragedy! 27 percent even felt 'proud' as the people who did everything the authorities said sat in 120 degree heat in the Superdome and Convention Centers while armed thugs raped women and children, and babies and old people died.

And all the while the talking heads congratulate themselves. Makes me want to puke.


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