Friday, April 15, 2005

An American terrorist

Eric Robert Rudolph is an American terrorist. He set off bombs in public to hurt and kill innocent people in order to make a political point: to "confound, anger and embarrass" the United States government for its legal sanction of abortion. He killed two people, injured at least 120 more and effectively terrorized everyone in three states.
He pleaded guilty to his crimes this week with a hysterical, rambling 11-page manifesto expressing his various and profound hatreds for abortionists, government officials, gays, adherents of global socialism, the Olympics and John Lennon. The closest he came to an apology was an acknowledgment that setting off bombs in public places exposed civilians to risk. "There is no excuse for this, and I accept full responsibility for the consequences of using this dangerous tactic."
This "dangerous tactic," also known as murder, is expressly forbidden by the commandment handed down to Moses on Sinai, a document and a tradition Mr. Rudolph professes to revere.


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