Friday, February 25, 2005

Personal Responsibility Hypocrisy

Three week stay in life-support case

I love how the conservatives wax on about personal responsibility and less government involvement. Then along comes a husband who is forced to make the most difficult decision concerning his own life and his wife's, and in comes Jeb Bush to save the day. "You can't make this decision on your own," he seems to say. "You need the wise guidance of the state in order to make the correct moral decision. We know what you need to do, despite having to bear none of the pain or the cost."

This is a microcosm of this brave, new, neocon world. They know what's best for America, and America knows what's best for the World. If only the World could understand the heart of America, they'd see we're just looking out for everyone's best interests. This is what Bush's current trip to Europe is supposed to prove: we're not really taking over the World, we're saving it from itself. Just like they are saving Michael Schiavo from making a difficult, humane decision for his family.


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